who else wants to move to the country?  specifically round top?  here's a roundup of our magical three days there: vintage boot shopping, pimento cheese eating, meeting *y'all* IRL at our event at dog trot farm, antiquing like it's a professional sport with our mom, all in the sun among the texas bluebonnets.  'till next year! highly recommend booking a girls trip now for 2023.

fashion in the field at dog trot farm

dog trot farm round top texas MIRTH

katie and erin round top texas MIRTH 

katie in copacabana in ivy coral | erin in perth backless dress in indigo coral


dog trot farm round top texas MIRTH


 katie in round top dog trot farm MIRTH 2022

katie in copacabana in ivy coral


dog trot farm round top texas MIRTH

erin in malaga top in white boxweave | kathryn in belem dress in mint field flower | margaret in marfa shirt dress in ivy coral

it was unexpectedly windy, so our crafty project--- hanging racks from the trees-- was a bust and we moved to the porch. 

erin round top MIRTH 

 erin in krabi crossover mini in ivy coral


dog trot farm round top texas MIRTH

kathryn in belem dress in mint field flower | erin in perth backless dress in indigo coral | katie in copacabana in ivy coral


we found some time for our annual shopping trip with our mom. we always find vintage jewelry treasures at excess II and make a point to go to marburger and amelia tarbet each year.

erin round top texas MIRTH

erin in marfa shirt dress in ivy coral


round top texas MIRTH

katie and erin in round top texas MIRTH

katie in zanzibar top in black | erin in marfa shirt dress in ivy coral


katie in round top texas MIRTH

katie in copacabana in ivy coral


round top texas MIRTH

katie in zanzibar top in black | erin in hyannis top in bone

 we'll be back in 2023 with our friend kimberley of kd weave at blue hills-- mark your cal and come say howdy!





March 31, 2022